Artim Olga & Dmitry

104 products

Collection: Artim Olga & Dmitry

Born on July 23, 1965, in the city of Nikolaev.

Studied: Odessa Art College (1985). Ukrainian Printing Institute (1993). Teachers in the specialty: V. Puteyko, A. Pavlyuk, M. Taranov, A. Tumanov. Painter, graphic artist.

Member of the youth association at the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (1993).

Works as an artist of the Nikolaev art-production plant (since 1985). Main works: triptych "Spring Dreams" (1993); “Pink Dream”, “Three Graces” (both - 1994); “Poppies of Chernobyl” (1995); “Olbia”, “Forest Gifts”, “Leda” (all - 1997); “Sweet-voiced sirens”, “The Legend of Phaeton” (both - 1998); “Red viburnum”, “Mountain ash by the window”, “Amsterdam tulips” (all - 1999).