Yuriy Suprunchuk

Zhitomir artist Suprunchuk Yuri Sergeevich Born on April 11, 1961, in the city of Zhitomir. Graduated from the Zheleznogorsk Art School, Russia (1982). Teachers in the specialty: V. Chukuev, E. Nikulin. Painter. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2002). Major works: "Near the house" (2005), "Winter on the outskirts of Zhitomir" (2006), "Autumn still life" (2004). Lived and worked in the city of Zhitomir.

All Paintings by this Artist

My name is Yuriy Suprunchuk - I am an artist who strives to inspire the whole world with my works.
I paint landscapes not only to simply write down a certain moment: sunrise or sunset, I am interested in the image itself. Each of my houses or trees has its own character, feeling.
This page will not contain a multitude of my achievements, diplomas, exhibitions, etc.
I want to inspire you.
I want my works to decorate your homes, institutions, schools, universities.