Contemporary Art

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Collection: Contemporary Art

Contemporary Oil Paintings Buy Online: Everything that is new is not always bad

In the modern art of oil painting, the rule is often established that it is inferior to paintings of past eras - why is this not so? Paintings primarily serve to evoke emotions from a person, and it is precisely modern paintings that secure this status. First of all, the advantage of these paintings over the old ones is that they touch on our social problems or everyday life. And the trend is not only in these aspects but also that in modern oil paintings, there is a process of experimentation with form and color.

In addition, there is an evolution over technology: from gothic and gloomy to more natural and lively paintings. Would you like to hang, for example, in your bedroom a painting with the dark aesthetics of yesteryear or a theme suitable for this room? Of course, the answer here is different for everyone. If you look at paintings by such artists as Konovalov, Likhina, Serdyuk, Ivanyuk. You can see that whatever genre they use, they bring a lot of contemporary to the already tired canon.

Contemporary Oil Paintings For Sale

Before buying a contemporary oil painting, decide which genre is most suitable: abstraction, landscapes, still lifes, portraits. Each of these genres in contemporary oil painting provides you with a unique emotional adventure. Since there are so many of these paintings, you need to consider factors for purchasing them.

The first of them is the artist. Even among contemporary ones, there may be both already known and not so well-known. Pay attention to the artist’s reputation, although no one rules out a risky option that may pay off in the future. The second is the state of the paintings themselves. You need to pay attention to the material and what colors the painting was made with.

In our catalog, you can buy contemporary oil paintings of different sizes: from small to large. However, if the painting was sold, then, unlike paintings of old eras, you can make a copy of the author's work. Contemporary oil paintings are best hung in hall rooms or living rooms - where their entire aesthetic will harmonize with your furniture.

Oil Painting Contemporary Price: Investment In The Future

Over the years, contemporary oil paintings will become the same ancient classics that we call past eras. Along with this, paintings are growing in the market with great progression. If yesterday's paintings by contemporary artists were valued at up to just $100, now they are many times more. If you haven't invested in paintings before, contemporary works are a great entry point.

By buying contemporary oil paintings online, you thereby save yourself from routine shopping trips, because in front of you is our entire catalog of paintings, where you can immediately plan in which room you can hang this painting.