Gaponchenko Ivan

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Collection: Gaponchenko Ivan

Born on November 27, 1951, in the village of Semirotovka, Sumy region.

Graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Theater Arts named after I. Karpenko-Kary (1999). Teachers in the specialty: B. Danchenko, I. Zubavina, A. Musienko.

Painter. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (1995). Honored Artist of Ukraine (2009). Worked: Chairman of the Sumy organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2004). Participated in exhibitions: republican, symposia, plein air (since 1987).

Personal exhibitions - in Sumy and Lebedin (1981, 1996, 2001).

Major works: "Aspen Day" (1991), "The Last Day of Winter" (1991), "Semirotovka" (2001), "Warm Coast" (1998), "Dedication" (2010), "Resurrection Church in Swan" (1981) ), "Warm Evening" (1982), "Golden Time" (1987), "Plucked Lilacs", "Awakening" (1990), "Old Quarter" (1996), "May Breeze", "Autumn Coast" (2001) ...

The works are kept in the Sumy Art Museum and the Lebedinsky Art Museum, the Shevchenko Museum-Reserve (the city of Kanev, Cherkasy region), the Chuguev painting gallery (Kharkiv region). Lived and worked in the city of Sumy.