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Abstract oil painting Serenade Anatoly Borisovich Tarabanov

Abstract oil painting Serenade Anatoly Borisovich Tarabanov

Regular price $1,040.22 CAD
Regular price Sale price $1,040.22 CAD
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№Tar 296

"Serenade" is a captivating oil painting that explores the realm of abstraction, weaving together an enchanting composition filled with vibrant colors and whimsical elements. The focal point of the painting resides in the foreground, where a young girl adorned in the attire of a harlequin captivates the viewer's attention. With delicate brushstrokes and expressive lines, the artist captures her in a moment of creative fervor as she skillfully plays a guitar. As the viewer's gaze wanders across the canvas, they notice the intricate details that contribute to the painting's unique charm. Perched gracefully on the girl's right shoulder is a white parrot, its feathers intricately rendered with subtle shades of ivory and delicate strokes of paint. The parrot seems to be observing the girl's performance with keen interest, lending an air of companionship and harmony to the scene. On the left side of the composition, contrasting with the lively and animated figures, a serene yet vibrant element emerges. Encased in a transparent bottle, a solitary rose graces the scene, adding a touch of delicate beauty to the overall abstraction. The rose, with its vivid hues and delicate petals, stands as a symbol of love and passion amidst the whimsy of the surrounding elements. The background of the painting encompasses a harmonious blend of blue, green, and pink tones, creating a dreamlike ambiance that complements the playful and fantastical nature of the scene. The interplay of these colors evokes a sense of tranquility and serenade, transporting the viewer to a realm where imagination and music intertwine. In essence, "Serenade" captures the essence of abstraction, melding together elements of fantasy, music, and beauty. The painting invites viewers to immerse themselves in a world where imagination and creativity reign, evoking a sense of joy and wonder through its vibrant palette and charming composition.

* TITLE: "Serenade"
* ARTISTS: Anatoly Borisovich Tarabanov
* SIZE: 70x90 cm/'27.55x35.43 inches'
* MEDIUM: oil, canvas
* HAND PAINTED: Original painting from our collection
* CONDITION: we tried to convey the maximum information with the help of photos about this product

About the artists: Anatoly Borisovich Tarabanov was born on September 25, 1953 in Zaporozhye.
Artist - painter.
In 1973 he graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Art College.
Teachers: Kuko, Shchedrov.
Since 1988 member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine.
Since 1978 participated in regional, republican and foreign exhibitions. Works in the field of easel painting. Author of genre paintings, portraits, landscapes. The works are kept in art museums and in private collections of Ukraine, as well as abroad, in particular in Israel, Poland, France, Germany. Works by Tarabanova AB full of motives of philosophy, allegory, lyrical and poetic world outlook.

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