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Oil painting Morning coffee with octopus Sergey Voichenko

Oil painting Morning coffee with octopus Sergey Voichenko

Regular price $830.23 CAD
Regular price Sale price $830.23 CAD
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Introducing "Morning Coffee with Octopus" by Sergey Voichenko: A Surreal Blend of Routine and Fantasy

Collection and Significance

"Morning Coffee with Octopus" is a captivating addition to our Collection of Abstract Painting and our Collection of Portraits & Genre. This unique oil painting is a prominent feature among Other Works by Sergey Voichenko, offering art enthusiasts a distinctive opportunity to Buy an Oil Painting from our Secure Art Purchases Online that merges the everyday with the extraordinary in a surreal tableau.

About This Painting

In "Morning Coffee with Octopus," the ordinary act of enjoying morning coffee is transformed into a surreal visual narrative. The canvas centers around a humanoid face, intricately intertwined with the vibrant red tentacles of an octopus, against a backdrop that transforms an urban landscape into a dreamlike setting. The contrasting colors and the dynamic interplay between the soft realism of the face and the abstract elements of the octopus create a striking focal point that captivates and intrigues.

Artistic Details

  • Artwork Details

    • Title: "Morning Coffee with Octopus"
    • Artist: Sergey Voichenko
    • Size: 60x50 cm / '23.62x19.68 inches'
    • Medium: Oil on canvas
    • Hand Painted: An original piece from our curated collection

Condition and Detailed Viewing

Presented in impeccable condition, oil painting invites viewers to explore its every detail through comprehensive imagery, capturing all angles and facets of this stunning piece.

About the Artist

Sergei Voichenko is a person whose studies began and ended at a children's art school (CHS). He considers himself a true amateur and, as an artist, develops easily, quickly, with pleasure and independently. Sergey does not participate in exhibitions and creative projects, considering this format uninteresting for himself. He exhibits and sells his work on various online art platforms. The process of creativity and constant search brings him pleasure. Sergei does not have one theme for drawing, and also does not have one style in his painting. He loves impressionism, expressionism and abstraction, as well as experimenting and having freedom of expression on canvas. Sergey enjoys ease in the process of drawing, although his work hardly seems easy in the end. He is inspired by many different artists, working in different styles and directions, whose work he sees on social networks. He doesn't consider them very famous, but each of them is interesting in their own way. In addition, Sergei finds inspiration in his life in its various manifestations.

Theme and Inspiration

"Morning Coffee with Octopus" plays with the surreal juxtaposition of daily routine and mythical elements, suggesting a deeper contemplation of our mundane activities infused with imagination. The painting is a visual exploration of how the routine of morning coffee can evoke a fantastical interplay with nature, symbolized by the octopus merging into the urban scene. This piece invites viewers to ponder the connections and disruptions between their daily lives and the richer, more colorful world of their fantasies.

Invitation to Viewers

We invite you to delve into the intriguing world of "Morning Coffee with Octopus" in our gallery. This painting is not just a representation but an invitation to explore the boundless creativity that can transform everyday moments into scenes of vibrant fantasy. Discover "Morning Coffee with Octopus" and other exceptional works in our collection, where Sergey Voichenko’s artistry challenges the boundaries of reality and offers a unique opportunity for imaginative engagement and secure art investment.

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    You can return the painting within 30 days without giving a reason