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Oil painting This silly world Oleg Kateryniuk

Oil painting This silly world Oleg Kateryniuk

Regular price $7,555.05 CAD
Regular price Sale price $7,555.05 CAD
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Explore the Bold Realms of "This Silly World"

Dive into the riveting depths of "This Silly World," an oil painting by the distinguished artist Oleg Kateryniuk that delves into themes of athleticism, empowerment, and defiance against societal norms. This artwork captures the essence of two female athletes on an icy mountain, clad in swimwear, poised for a leap that defies expectations and embraces inner strength.

Collector's Appeal

This painting is a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts of Contemporary Art and Portraits & Genre. It not only serves as a striking visual piece but also embodies a profound narrative that resonates deeply in today's socio-cultural landscape.

About the Artwork 

Artwork Details

  • Title: "This Silly World"
  • Artist: Oleg Kateryniuk
  • Size: 100x160 cm / '39.37x62.99 inches'
  • Medium: Oil on canvas
  • Technique: A unique, original piece from our collection

Condition and Detailed Viewing

Presented in impeccable condition, oil painting invites viewers to explore its every detail through comprehensive imagery, capturing all angles and facets of this stunning piece.

About the Artist

Oleg Kateryniuk was born in 1969 in Ukraine.. has made a successful career as a graphic designer.. But, over the years we become more sensitive to people, to nature, to the environment, to everything around us. So something happened, noticed, interested you and sits in you, with its emotions, feelings, its truth and philosophy.. no-no, it does not bother you, just sometimes, as if talking to you, tells your story, pulls your strings souls, and are forced to flee in search of something new, still unnoticed, and very, as it seems at this time, so necessary.. and not only you.. And in such moments you take a pencil, brushes and everything at hand.. and you draw.. being left alone with canvas or paper and your thoughts.

Visual Narrative

The painting presents a stark juxtaposition of raw human ambition against the serene, treacherous backdrop of a snow-clad mountain. The athletes, depicted in vibrant swimwear, symbolize a vibrant rebellion against conventional boundaries. Their muscular forms and determined gazes are portrayed with exquisite detail, highlighting their readiness to conquer both the literal and metaphorical peaks before them.

Artistic Expression

Kateryniuk's use of vivid colors for the swimwear against the monochrome icy landscape not only draws attention to the central figures but also visually accentuates the narrative of breaking free from societal constraints. The icy terrain and the expansive sky serve as metaphors for the challenges and boundless opportunities that lie ahead for those who dare to defy the status quo.

Thematic Depth

"This Silly World" critiques the absurdities of societal expectations, portraying the mountain as both a physical and symbolic barrier to be overcome. The title itself is a playful yet poignant commentary on the world's often narrow perspectives on gender roles and human potential.

Why Choose This Painting?

"This Silly World" is perfect for those who appreciate Oil Paintings on Canvas that offer more than just aesthetic pleasure. It is an investment in a piece that speaks to the viewer on multiple levels, encouraging reflection on personal strength and the arbitrary limits placed by society. Ideal for those seeking Other Works by Oleg Kateryniuk or aiming to enhance their collection with unique, powerful statements.

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    You can return the painting within 30 days without giving a reason