Alex & Oleg & Daniil Litvinov

Alexander Arkadyevich Litvinov

Born in 1967 in Lubny, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine.

Schooling in book art (received his first fee from a publisher).

Graduated from the Odessa Theater and Art School with a specialty in "Artistic Design of Puppet Performances and Artistic Butaforic Art."

Collaboration with publishers "Raduga," "Dnipro" in Kyiv, and "Mayak" - designed over 30 books.

Until 1992: Art exhibitions and auctions in Odessa.

Since 1993: Participation in numerous exhibitions in Lubny, personal exhibitions in Lubny and Dnipro.

2015: Participant in the VII All-Ukrainian Exhibition "Lubenska Art Spring - 2015."

The artist's works are present in private collections across Eastern and Western Europe, the USA, and Canada.

Alexander Litvinov passed away on September 15, 2016.

The choice of his life path was significantly influenced by his father, Arkady Petrovich Litvinov, a talented artist and excellent educator. His older brother, Oleg Arkadyevich Litvinov, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, also chose the artistic path.

From a young age, his fascination with historical and biblical literature significantly impacted the artist's creative style. He works in the style of figurative art, where the main focus is on the depiction of the human body. Alexander Litvinov's paintings bring historical and biblical narratives to life, often featuring numerous characters, compositionally arranged according to genre conventions. He has created around a thousand works in total.

In his paintings, the artist aimed to convey global events and bright ideas, meticulously searching for deep layers of historical past. The motto of his creativity was inspired by the philosopher Kant: "Enclosed life - free art." Despite a serious illness, he generously gifted his art to people, creating large-scale artistic canvases that illuminated with the starlight of his soul.

Oleg Arkadyevich Litvinov

Born in 1957 in Lubny, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine.

1982: Graduated from the Odessa Theater and Art School.

Since 1982: Participation in city, national, and international exhibitions.

All Paintings by this Artist

Personal exhibitions in Odessa in 1982, 1992, 1997-1998, 2002, 2004, and 2010.

1995: Personal exhibition in Munich.

2000: Personal exhibition in Kyiv.

2002-2003: Personal exhibition in Moscow.

From 1982 to 2010: Collaboration with publishers "Mayak," "Raduga," "Dnipro," "Shkola."

1989: Became a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.

The artist's works are present in private collections across Eastern and Western Europe, the USA, and Canada. They also adorn the walls of museums in Kyiv and Odessa.

Oleg Litvinov lived and worked in Odessa for a long time. Currently resides in Lubny.

Litvinov's paintings primarily focus on biblical, mythological, and historical themes. Using brushes and paints, he narrates the eternal passions and agonies to which humanity is condemned: envy, temptation, fear, but also tenderness, affection, and the warmth of maternal love. As a skilled artist, Litvinov's portraits of contemporaries in the settings of past eras appear natural, each character fitting appropriately into the interior and costumes.

With great skill and professionalism, Oleg paints multifigure compositions, depicting scenes from ancient tales and myths. A master of painting, artist Oleg Litvinov is always in creative exploration. Although his priority lies in depicting multifigure subjects in mythological, historical, and religious themes, captivating landscapes of his native region also deeply move his soul. These places, filled with beauty and harmony, were where his childhood and youth passed. Here, he painted his first canvases and created his early sketches. In the groves near the lovely Sula River, art continues to be born, as Oleg Arkadyevich works on his pieces daily.

Daniil Olegovich Litvinov

Daniil Olegovich Litvinov was born on October 16, 1982, in Odessa. He is the son of O. Litvinov. In 2012, he successfully completed his studies at the Art and Graphics Faculty of the South Ukrainian Pedagogical University (Odessa). During his education, his specialization was painting and graphics, with A. Tokareva as his instructor.

Daniil Litvinov is a painter and graphic artist, showcasing his talent in various genres and styles. His artistic works include portraits, landscapes, still lifes, as well as paintings with historical, religious, and mythological themes. He also creates illustrations for books.

In his work, Litvinov employs diverse artistic techniques, including oil, tempera, ink, pen, watercolor, and pastel. His creative process is constantly evolving. Additionally, he possesses teaching skills, as he worked at the Odessa branch of the Kiev University of Culture in 2009.

Litvinov actively participates in exhibitions since 2000, underscoring his commitment and desire to showcase his art to the public. In 2008, he held his solo exhibition in Odessa, showcasing his artistic accomplishments and style.